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Mitt DT bidrag til My Bestie Norge - Halloween

Denne gangen er det halloween som er tema.. Her har jeg brukt GoKreate deis som kortbase, digien er Spider Ella og kan kjøpes her:
This time the theme is halloween. I have used the GoKreate dies for the card itself. the digital image is Spider Ella and you can buy her here:
Jeg oppdaget en ide noen hadde postet for en tid tilbake om å bruke puncher for å lage papir bånd og tenkte jeg måtte prøve dette. Følte det ga en litt edderkoppspinn følelse. :P 
I recently found and idea that you can make paper ribbons with your punches, and this is what i have done.. Felt it got a spiderweb feeling atleast.. :P
 Inni er det god plass til å skrive en skummel hilsen eller invitasjon
On the inside its a lot of space to write a scary regards or an invitation..

Jeg deltar med dette bidraget på følgende utfordringer/ I attend the following challenges:


  1. and Tina

    Thanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.

    Greetings Karin DT Coördinator

  2. aw just love the witch thanks for joining us at besties uk - carol uk dt x

  3. how lovely just love thecolours Thank you for Joining us at UK Besties Jane xx DT

  4. A great Halloween design - thanx for playing along at My Besties UK.
    Hugz, Jan (DT) xx

  5. Super cute card. I love everything about it. Thanks so much for playing along with us at My Besties Aussie Group. Dt Beverly


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