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Aurora wings

Omsider ble jeg ferdig med mitt aurora wings image. Dette ble forsiden til min copic farge bok! Her skal jeg samle alle fargekombinasjoner jeg liker etterhvert som de dukker opp!
Finally I managed to finish my Aurora Wings image. This ended up being my front page for my color journal.

Jeg valgte og holde siden litt enkel da det er masse detaljer i bilde og jeg ville la dette komme frem om ikke drukne i masse stasj!
I shose to keep it simple because of all the details in the image, and wanted that to be the sentr of attention!

Jeg deltar på følgende utfordringer/ I attend the following challenges: 


  1. stunning
    thanks for playing with us at di's digi

  2. Tina-Mari, this is gorgeous!! I love the pink and brown color scheme for the image, and you colored her and her doll beautifully. Such a pretty journal! Thank you for joining "Anything Goes" at AuroraWings. Good luck!

    Mitzi xx
    Artist/Owner AuroraWings

  3. Your card is gorgeous!
    Thank you for playing with us at Di's Digi Challenge.

  4. What a perfect cover for your coloring journal. you've done such a gorgeous job with her, Tina-Mari! Thanks so much for joining our ATG challenge at Aurora Wings. xxD


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