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Fargelegging for Moon Flower/ Coloring for Moon Flower

Denne gangen fargelegger jeg denne skjønne fe'en =) Den finner du her sammen med mange andre flotte digitale stempler. Tenkte jeg skulle velge noen litt andre farger enn jeg pleier

This time I got to color up this cute fairy. You can get this and lots of others here. I thought i would pick some different colors than usual! 

Farger jeg har brukt/ Colors I have used
Hud/Skin: E04,11,21,00,000
Hår/Hair: E79,49,47,44
Vinger og toppen av soppen/Wings and mushroom hat: E89,87,84
Grønn/Green: C9,G99,Yg99,97,95,93
Resten av soppen/ The rest of the mushroom: E43,42,41


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